Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta with Grilled Chicken

Scallops (3)

As an option, add bacon-wrapped scallops.

Improvisation № VI: Garlic, Swiss Cheese Sauce, Parmesan, Grilled Chicken, Michelle Obama, George Lucas, and me: we all got together, trusted our feelings, and used the force to make dinner

"Garlic Pasta with Swiss Sauce," from Make It Like a Man! Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta

I recently made two of my favorite dishes: Swiss Eggs Benedict and Fresh Garlic Parmesan Pasta, and had leftover ingredients from both. I decided to improvise with them and came up with Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta – a dish so amazing, that I’d serve this to guests. Hell, I’d serve it to the Obamas.

I would never tell them how easy it is to make, at least not openly. But I’d take Michelle aside and clue her in privately, so that she could have the White  House staff whip this up when George Lucas visits. And George would be, like, damn girl, is this your recipe? And she’d be, like, just smiling and deflecting. But then, paying it forward, she’d take him aside later and tell him about me, and next thing you know, I’d have my own cooking show cooking major motion picture where I use the force to keep soufflés impossibly high and indefinitely inflated and I wouldn’t need a hot pad to take them out of the oven, cause I’d just stretch out my hand, close my eyes, squinch up my face, and float them to the table.

"News Flash," from Chuggalug, via Make It Like a Man! Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta

We interrupt this blog post with startling news. Subsequent to prior events, unsuspecting jerks from Maine to California have just minutes ago made the acquaintance of a new breed of flytrap, and got sweet-talked into feeding it blood. Reports are now flooding in, claiming that the plants have begun what they came here to do, which was essentially to eat Cleveland, and Des Moines, and Peoria, and New York, and where you live!

"Little Shop of Horrors Original," from Little Shop Wikia, via Make It Like a Man! Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta

We now return you to your blob post, already in progress.

I told you that leftover Swiss cheese sauce would be good on pasta, and it is. You could simply stir it into a bowlful of hot, steaming macaroni and enjoy it that way. Or you could do this:

Double – yes double – the garlic in a serving of Fresh Garlic Parmesan Pasta. I also told you that the fresh garlic in that dish is not intense. Well, if you double it, it is. To balance that, however, throw in a grilled chicken breast, a couple cherry tomatoes, and lay down a strip of Swiss Cheese Sauce on top of the whole thing. So good.

Makes 1 serving"Garlic Pasta with Swiss Sauce," from Make It Like a Man! Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta


1 serving of Fresh Garlic Parmesan Pasta
1 chicken breast, prepped and seasoned
2 cherry tomatoes, halved
¼ cup Swiss Cheese Sauce, or more, to taste, warmed


Follow directions for grilling chicken in a Griddler, or grill the chicken using your favorite method. Slice the chicken against the grain, and fan the slices out across the serving of pasta. Plop the cherries on top. Pour the sauce over the chicken. Serve.

Suggestions for Further Reading:

"Garlic Pasta with Swiss Sauce," from Make It Like a Man! Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta

Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta

Credits for all images on this page: hover over image and/or green caption text. Click to jump to source.

Adamus, Chicago Loop Restaurant and Lounge, Serves Up New Fall Menu
Coffee, Free WIFI: Wicker Park, Chicago

7 thoughts on “Fresh Garlic Swiss-Parmesan Pasta with Grilled Chicken

  1. Thank you for celebrating Little Shop of Horrors Day. I think it should be nationally recognized.

    • Well, I wouldn’t think of this bar as a “mixologist’s” place, but you would’ve loved the vibe.

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