Burger Rice Mince

This burger rice mince with melted cheese will sate your protein cravings. It makes a ton, but that’s cool, because it keeps well and reheats perfectly.

Burger Rice Mince

Recipe by Make It Like a Man!Course: Dinner





  • 1 lb. ground chuck

  • 1 yellow onion, peeled and chopped

  • 2 Tbs olive oil

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 8 oz. mushrooms, sliced

  • 1 tsp salt, or to taste

  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

  • 1/3 cup dried parsley or cilantro

  • 2 Tbs dried oregano

  • 1½ tsp garlic powder

  • 1 tsp cumin

  • 1/4 cup Allegro marinade (see notes)

  • 1 Tbs soy sauce

  • 2 tsp Worchestershire sauce

  • 1/3 cup chopped, pickled jalapenos + 1 tsp of the brine

  • 4 cups leftover rice

  • Cheddar cheese, for garnish


  • Heat a large soup pot over a medium flame. Toss in the burger, and let it fry until nicely browned, 4 minutes. Flip it, and let it go another 4 minutes. Scramble the burger while you cook out all the red. Off heat. Tilt the pan; scoop out and discard as much of the rendered liquid as you can.
  • Return the pot to medium heat and stir in the onion. Cook until onion starts to become translucent, 4 minutes, stirring half-way through. Stir in the oil. Stir in the water. Stir in the mushrooms. Stir in the salt (but taste it first), pepper, herbs, and spices. Cook until the mushrooms soften, 4 minutes, stirring half-way through.
  • Turn heat to lowest setting. Stir in the marinade, soy sauce, Worchestershire sauce, jalapenos and brine. Stir in the rice.
  • Garnish individual servings with cheese. Microwave, broil, or torch the servings to melt the cheese, or stir the cheese into each serving.


  • I’m asking you to fry the beef without first adding oil to the pan. Depending on how lean the beef is, this may not be advisable: you may need to add a bit of oil to the pan before adding the beef. Oil or not, serious fond may develop; that’s fine. The pan will deglaze as you scramble the beef, or as you cook the onion. But if the beef starts to burn before you’ve started scrambling it, immediately begin to scramble it.
  • Substitutions: for the Allegro marinade, substitute another flavorful, salty, spicy condiment sauce.
"Burger and Rice Mince," from Make It Like a Man!

Social Learning

You know what’d be nice in here? Diced tomato, added after everything else is done, off heat.

The Backstory

I’m afraid I can’t get on board with a no-carb or even a low-carb diet. However, I have no problem with a higher-protein diet – which is good, because my doctor suggested it. I’m doing it very simply: every time I eat a carb, I eat a protein. If I can’t include a protein, I pair the carb with a fat. Protein before the carb is best, but with the carb is OK.

So, I invented this mince not so much as a destination, but as practical way of getting in some protein in a form other than my favorites: chicken and eggs.

I’m going to be right up front with you. This burger mince is neither fancy nor exciting. It is utilitarian. But man, it is satisfying and surprisingly comforting.

"Burger and Rice Mince," from Make It Like a Man!
Burger Rice Mince

Credit for images on this page: Make It Like a Man! unless otherwise credited. This content was not solicited by anyone, nor was it written in exchange for anything. Thank you, Kesor. Make It Like a Man! is ranked by Feedspot as #15 in the Top 30 Men’s Cooking Blogs.

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30 thoughts on “Burger Rice Mince

  1. The low-carb diet isn’t for everyone, I get that but it seems to be working for me so I’m all over it. We usually include about 100 g (3.5 ounces) of protein in two out of the three meals we have and it seems to satiate our hunger and ward off cravings.
    Your burger rice mince looks like it would be very satisfying. Did you know that if you add a good oil (like avocado or olive oil) to the cooking water of rice, it makes it healthier? There is science behind it so I’ll suggest you Google it for next time. Even cooling it in the refrigerator for 12 hours makes a difference in how your body processes the carbs. It’s worth looking into. PS, just tell me where to go if you’re not interested 😉

    • Oh, don’t stop, Eva! I’m totally interested. I especially love that you’re low carb, and not no carb. I can’t go to that extreme, but I agree with you that having more protein really seems to make a difference.

    • Thank you, Angie. It’s not fancy, but it’s a nice protein hit, and it’s quite tasty.

  2. Yep, I make something similar with ground beef and then mix it with different grains (according to my cravings). I often make on Sunday a large batch to enjoy throughout the business week. And the addition of cheese makes it even better!

  3. It’s like a fancier version of Hamburger Helper but served over rice instead of pasta! I could see this being something my husband would request me to make for him often!

  4. Utilitarian has its purpose in life and not everything we eat needs to be fancy. Comforting and satisfying is way more important, especially if it get you where you want to be with your diet.

  5. Hi Jeff 🖐😉
    What I can say you that your ideas for different meals are always the best and very creative. It’s worth a try it 👍😉
    Best regards for you and I hug you so much 🤗💖😘

  6. Jeff – this takes me back to my youth. My mother made something similar to this but it was Pennsylvania Dutch — it didn’t have the cheese eon top, either. Boy, was it good and a favorite of all four of us boys.

    • I didn’t know you were from the PA Dutch region! I lived there for a short time many years ago.

  7. Oh this sounds like the ultimate comfort food, Jeff! I’m not familiar with Allegro marinade, although it seems to be readily available around it. It looks similar to soy sauce but with lime juice and other yummies in there – great base for a marinade!!

    • A friend of mine from Costa Rica turned me on to Allegro Marinade many years ago. I often use it where I might’ve use Worchestershire or soy sauce.

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