This recipe for Dutch Apple Pierogi with Streusel Crumb Garnish will produce a filling and garnish, and provide links to a dough recipe.
Author: Jeff the Chef
Savory Strudel
Although “more pie” is a great way to use an extra pie crust, sometimes you want meat and onions in a melty cheese. For your consideration: savory strudel … in other words, a hot sandwich baked in a crust. Everyday cooking; reheats well.
Thanksgiving Planner 2021
Thanksgiving Dinner 2021: A Traditional-Style Feast for Six. A how-to for a homemade feast, from turkey to pie.
Thanksgiving Turkey with Stuffing and Gravy
This is an all-in-one set of recipes for Thanksgiving Turkey with Stuffing and Gravy
Pasta with Hearty Greens
The sauce highlights the flavors in this Pasta with Hearty Greens: clean, refreshing, light, deliciously satisfying.
Cucumber, Peanut, and Coconut Salad
Martha Stewart’s Cucumber, Peanut, and Coconut Salad relies upon some not-so-easy-to-find items, but it’s flavorful and remarkable.
Chicken Cacciatore
Chicken Cacciatore: comfort-foodie chicken braised in a tomato-and-mushroom sauce. Is so homey, and so full of love.
A Completely Approachable, Celebratory Lasagna
This is a recipe for a completely approachable, celebratory lasagna: super cheesy, Parmesan-infused, comfort-food pasta
Golden Ginger Cocktail: Sublime!
This recipe for a Golden Ginger Cocktail was sleuthed from one served at Chicago’s “Theater on the Lake.” It’s super crafty.