Author: Jeff the Chef
Omelet You Make Me Breakfast
A hot breakfast will make you invincible. And may make you late for work. But screw The Man. Be invincible.
Bar Novo, Great Street … Chicago!
MiLam reviews a bar with good cocktails in the Loop, plus some good food: Bar Novo, Great Street.
Lincoln Park Starbucks at Fullerton & Racine
Once the baby boomers demolish Social Security, free sandwiches from the Lincoln Park Starbucks at Fullerton & Racine might be my only hope for retirement.
Kale Stem Pesto. I’m Serious.
It’s not even Christmas, and you’ve already eaten way too much. You have to avoid wearing red, for fear of being mistaken for Santa. You know what’d fix that? Kale stems. Well, that and shaving off that lumberjacky beard. But try the kale first. With some pasta. You’ll love it, and it will love you back.
Coffee, Free WIFI: Lake View, Chicago
Uh, you guess it: it’s another café review. But look at that awesome silver cup! Terrific Turkish coffee, and you don’t have to worry about werewolves.
Vodka Jell-O Christmas Party Dessert: Ride the Wild Red Wave
There are Christmas desserts, and then there are Christmas party desserts. Ride the Wild Red Wave this Christmas with this unique vodka Jell-O “cocktail.”
Leftover doughnuts?
Choco-Glazed Cakeughnut!
You can never have enough recipes for leftover doughnuts.