Just learning how to cook? Check this out: grilled chicken breasts and steamed broccoli make a simple, quick, home cooked meal. For dessert: raspberries and whipped cream. Yeah, baby.
Raspberry Mocha Cake
This chocolate sour cream cake gets its flavor in part from a tall Starbucks raspberry mocha, in addition to a layer of jam or preserves. It’s dense, rich, and sophisticated.
Whipped White Vanilla Buttercream Frosting
This white vanilla buttercream frosting is fluffy and light. It’s not overly sweet, nor overly rich. It will complement your cake, rather than overpower it.
Cakes Under the Influence
CAKES UNDER THE INFLUENCE alcohol-infused, cocktail-inspired cupcake kits + DEEP EDDY flavored vodkas + SOCIAL POWER HOUR = awesome VERTIGO SKY LOUNGE party that leaves my head spinning.
Why Is Red Velvet Cake Red?
Why is Red Velvet Cake red? Blame it on the anthocyanin that is found in natural cocoa, but blame the artificial aspect of it on the Adams Extract & Spice Company. Or, if you’re fancy, blame the Waldorf-Astoria. Don’t blame beets. The FDA says that the Red 40 dye in Red Velvet is safe … but they also OK’ed Skittles, so decide for yourself.
Trifle Improv 3
Martha Stewart’s coming over, and you polished off your croquembouche this morning for breakfast. All you’ve got is some Red Velvet brownies that are too dry to serve. Or maybe some leftover cheesecake. Well, fret no more. You can improvise a triple-chocolate trifle with whipped cream, pudding, and a little bit of cream cheese. Don’t tell her that you melted your chocolate in the microwave, though, or she’ll pack her bags and split.
Trifle Improv 2
Angel food, brownies, pound cake, cheesecake: any of these can make a good foundation for a trifle. This is especially true for dry, over-baked, cakes. This post chronicles an improvisation that turned a Red Velvet Cheesecake into a rich, delicious trifle.
Trifle Improv 1
Take a little bit of leftover cake, add whipped cream and a custard, lemon curd, or pudding, you whip up from scratch, and you can do a to-die-for trifle improv.
No-Bake Cheesecake
Cream cheese and Cool Whip (or whipped cream) form the foundation of this easy dessert recipe. Does it qualify as baking if you don’t have to put this cheesecake in the oven? I’m going to say yes.