Fresh garlic parmesan pasta uses ingredients that are easy to come by and good for you. Plus, it comes together in a snap. One taste, and it’ll become your go-to “right now” dinner recipe.
The category “dinner” will retrieve main courses and sides. If you’re looking only for main courses, or only for sides, choose those categories instead.
Bacon Wrapped Meat Roll
The words “bacon wrapped meat roll” may send some of you into immediate foodgasm. Others of you with a modicum of decorum might rather that this post were about Rouleau de viande – which it is, so relax. Regardless of what you call it, what we’re talking about here is a meatloaf stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon.
Midwestern Chili
Invite your corn-fed quarterback in for a warm, hearty, strapping bowlful of this hell of a tasty, comfort-foody, Midwestern chili. It won’t burn you; it won’t bite you. It will just make you feel good way down in your hungry heart. Home run, quarterback!
Factor 75
MiLam reviews nutritious, prepared, chow-time meals from Factor 75, a Chicago meal delivery service geared toward performance, fitness, and distinguished eating. In a word, yes. In three words, oh hell yes.
Pierogi Dough
This is the final post in a six-part pierogi series. This post contains several pierogi dough recipes: a plain version, one that uses sour cream (miLam’s favorite), another that uses milk, and one that’s enriched with egg yolks. For fillings and instructions, see previous posts.
Fruit Filled Pierogi
Fruit Filled Pierogi Recipes: strawberry, plum, etc.
Potato and Cheese Pierogi
Potato and cheese:
pierogi filling duo.
Recipes for you!
Sauerkraut Pierogi
A triplet of tasty sauerkraut recipes prescribed for your pierogi-filling pleasure.