Lemonade by the Glass
It’s a simple bit of everyday kitchencraft that requires very little how-to know-how.
Polish Meatballs
This recipe for beef and pork Polish meatballs incorporates just enough kielbasa to give them a distinctly Polish flavor.
Pub Sauce
Here’s a recipe for Pub Sauce from My Tartare. It’s a reduction – a demi-glace – made with beer and perfect for everything from steak to gravy.
Gilbert’s Craft Sausages Review
In this post, we review Gilbert’s Craft Sausages. We grilled several varieties of chicken and beef sausages and taste tested them alone and with several condiments. Gilbert’s will is one the vendors at Chicago’s Wrigley Field this summer. Go Cubs!
Salted Caramel Six Layer Chocolate Cake
Martha Stewart’s recipe for Salted-Caramel Six-Layer Chocolate Cake uses Dutch process cocoa powder as well as semisweet chocolate, so it’s black as night, but packed with true chocolate flavor. Nothing beats homemade caramel, and the caramel-chocolate pairing is intense. This cake is not for the timid.
Spinach-Herb Lasagna
Yuh-huh, another lasagna, but this one’s for you, Trump supporters: it’s white. This original-recipe Spinach-Herb Lasagna is a white lasagna, layered with a thyme-infused bechamel, plus loads of ricotta, parmesan, and mozzerella cheeses. And surprise: bacon! It’s delicious fresh, but also reheats and freezes well.
Italian-American Lasagna
This is a review of Lidia Bastianich’s “Italian-American Lasagna.” It’s loaded with meat sauce, mozzerella, and ricotta. It’s a fantastic recipe. It also freezes and reheats beautifully: so have some now and have some months from now. You’ll get a lot of delicious mileage out of this.
Truffle and Herb Ricotta Cheesecake
Parmesan and ricotta cheeses combine to create this savory cheesecake. Truffle oil and pesto put it over the top. You’re friends will think you’re freaking amazing – which is cool, because you are.