Quinoa-Couscous Hot Cereal with Maple-Glazed Bananas will set your day off in the right direction.
Old-Fashioned Hash is an excellent breakfast!
This is a recipe, or more of a how-to, for Old-Fashioned Hash from leftover ingredients that include pork roast, cheese, potatoes, and a host of vegetables. It’s topped with sunny-side-up eggs. It’s a wonderful breakfast that stems from one of Julia Child’s cookbooks.
8 Grain Hot Cereal:
another Vegan Breakfast
Cooked, 8 grain hot cereal for breakfast: easy, everyday cooking. It reheats well, so you don’t have to set aside time to make it on a weekday morning.
Breakfast at Cantina 1910
Mexican Breakfast at Cantina 1910 in Andersonville, Chicago: a review. (Just after this review, Cantina closed. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.)
Maple Fig Walnut Bread
This recipe for homemade Maple Fig Walnut Bread can take the shape of a sandwich loaf, or the same yeast-risen dough can be made into delicious breakfast sticky rolls. Fantastic fresh, yet freezes well.
Sunday Brunch at Azul 18: Thank You, Jesus
This is where Jesus likes to go after church on Sunday. Jesus Hernandez, I mean … my downstairs neighbor. Azul 18 is a New American (Mexican) restaurant in Chicago’s funkadelic Pilsen neighborhood. Jesus led me here for breakfast. He had a scramble. I filled up on crêpe.
I recently had a corned beef skillet for breakfast at Dilbert’s in Interlochen (near Traverse City, Michigan), with a side of Cranberry-Walnut French toast and a sense of humor. I liked it.