Allegro Burgers, Five Guys Style: easy to make and wildly delicious cheeseburgers, built a la Five Guys, but made with Allegro Marinade for a little kick in the pants.
In one sense, you could say that every recipe on this site produces something homemade. We reserve the use of this tag for items that are presented in deliberate contrast to a store-bought or restaurant-served version, especially when it would be noteworthy to have made it from scratch. Ice cream is an excellent example. Apple crisp isn’t. This tag also find synonyms, like “from scratch.”
Martha Stewart’s Best Buttermilk Pancakes
Martha Stewart’s Best Buttermilk Pancakes – especially with blueberries – are unparalleled. I used to think that pancakes were by definition boring at best. I was wrong. These are remarkable. Yes, a mix would be easier, if you want to settle for something serviceable. Yes, you could just go directly to her site and read the recipe, but then you’d miss all my smartass comments.
Easy Whipped Cream Topping
Let us show you how to make an easy whipped cream topping. It’s so simple, so homemade. It will earn you accolades. Put it on pudding or put it on cake. Put it on when your favorite holiday outfit is in the laundry. “What, this? Just something I whipped up at the last minute.”
Pierogi Dough
This is the final post in a six-part pierogi series. This post contains several pierogi dough recipes: a plain version, one that uses sour cream (miLam’s favorite), another that uses milk, and one that’s enriched with egg yolks. For fillings and instructions, see previous posts.
Fruit Filled Pierogi
Fruit Filled Pierogi Recipes: strawberry, plum, etc.
Potato and Cheese Pierogi
Potato and cheese:
pierogi filling duo.
Recipes for you!
Sauerkraut Pierogi
A triplet of tasty sauerkraut recipes prescribed for your pierogi-filling pleasure.