Beard-spotting and co-working while sipping coffee in a Rogers Park Starbucks cafe near the intersection of Columbia & Sheridan (just north of the Red Line Loyola stop). Along the way: a shout out to Dr. Who and the Jesuits, as well as an on-going search for a free Wi-Fi log-on and an electrical outlet in Chicago. Plus, some socio-cultural humor and a plug for Bop-N-Grill. Wow, that’s a lot … but I swear to you, it’s all good.
Rogers Park
Umami Cheeseburger: Eat It, Chicago
MiLam reviews the Umami cheeseburger from bopNgrill, in Rogers Park Chicago. Short version: I loved it! Some of their signature Korean-American fusion burgers and other dishes use Kimchi; it takes courage to confront Kimchi, but the but the payoff is intense.